Wandsworth Bridge by Anna-Louise Felstead
Oil Painting on Plywood
This piece was photographed using a technique that would underline the brush strokes without losing detail as oil can reflect light as if the paint was white, wasting valuable detail.
All colours have been checked for accuracy.
This item was photographed without a frame to achieve maximum lighting precision.

Gypsy Queen by Unknown Artist
This Piece was photographed still with frame and glass. Resulting in a 1-2% loss around the edge of the image.
However, this will not affect the colour fidelity of the work.

Untitled by Annabel Hill Loureiro
Acrylic and Japanese Rice paper
This Piece was photographed in the artist's studio using two balanced lights.
The artwork was photographed in a frame, however, this did not affect
the piece.

Untitled by Annabel Hill Loureiro
Acrylic and Japanese Rice paper

By Giancarlo Buratti
Bronze on Marble base